Tuesday, 2 June 2015

The first step to rebuild trust

Rebuilding the relationship after a breakdown of trust between a couple is difficult, but not impossible. If both parties truly want to save the relationship, they must work together. It’s not just the one who made the mistake that needs to work; the other person who wants to trust again needs to work too.

The first step is to start being transparent with each other. The one who broke the trust must become an “open book” with their partner. Nothing to hide!
Don’t get angry when your partner asks you questions. Just answer them clearly and in detail. Better yet, don’t wait for them to ask you questions! Tell them everything in advance.
Vague or one-word answers don’t help. If your partner asks, “Where have you been?” and you answer, “With my brother,” your answer may seem perfect for you, but it’s too vague for the one who asked. With your brother? Note that the question wasn’t “who” but “where”. We usually do this when we resent the question. We give evasive, incomplete answers, which generate even more doubts. So, be straightforward, specific and detailed in your answer.
Don’t allow room for doubts. Clear them all!

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