3 ways to become an admirable woman

Nowadays women are so
concerned about becoming independent that they forget to become admirable
women. In search of achievement, many become grumpy, irritable, impatient and
even impolite.
There is nothing wrong
with being an independent woman, but you can be admirable too! Here are three
tips I learned from my mother (who I admire a lot!):
yourself in the place of others and do to them what you would like them to do
unto you. I remember when
a new pastor and his wife arrived in the country where we were working and at
the moment stayed at our house. They were exhausted from the trip, the move and
the time difference. Less than an hour from their arrival, my mother (who was
also visiting us at the time) offered to help the pastor’s wife iron her
husband’s shirts. The young woman was obviously too shy to accept her offer but
my mother insisted, took the ironing board and iron and asked her to bring some
of her husband’s shirts because she was going to iron shirts for him to use
that week. I remember thinking “my mom is the best!”.
be a giver. One of my
mother’s habits, which is very nice for those who know her personally, is to
show her gratitude with a gift. I’m not exaggerating when I say that every time
I go shopping with my mother, she buys something for someone. It can be
something like: I’m going to visit her next week, I want to give her a good
pair of shoes, as well as: She’s so good to us, I want to give her something,
or even: It’s so and so’s birthday next week. And to top it off, she
doesn’t keep a calendar with anyone’s birthday, it’s all in her memory! How do
you do that mom?
of others more often. My mother is not
the kind of woman you will find in a group. She hardly goes out, that is
something greatly appreciated by my father. However, she makes it a point to
let people know that she cares about them. A church driver had surgery and I
watched my mother ask him how he was feeling, what he was eating and what he
could do to minimize the effects post-surgery, I remembered how sometimes we
are so focused in our lives that we are blind to see what is really happening around
Cristiane Cardoso
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