First Commandment

I am the Lord your God, who brought
you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have
no other gods before Me. Exodus 20:2
No wonder God starts His
Commandments with this as the base for all the others, making it clear who is
who. He is only God to those who see Him as the only God. He does not share
this position with anyone else, even because there is no one like Him. As much
as people idolize all kinds of gods, none of these “gods” can fulfill a human
being like He does.
For those who have watched the
Brazilian soap opera “The Ten Commandments” you have seen how the Egyptians
worshiped the “gods”. It was this kind of society that God delivered His people
from so it was expected that they thought He would be one more “god”… that’s
why God made this clear right in the beginning. I’m not one more.
And who wants to be one more?
I don’t want to! Never do I want to
be one more woman in this world, one more wife to my husband, one more mother
to my son, one more friend to my friends. Inside of me, I never accepted to be
one more… I believe that no one likes to be one more face in the crowd or a
number in the statistics. Everyone wants to be unique.
Do you know what makes a person be
one more?
When she acts like any other. When
she follows the crowd. When she does not stand out in anything in life. When
she is satisfied with anything…
How many women are satisfied with
men who treat them anyhow… They spend the night with a man to become one more
in the list of women who will sleep with him. They go to night clubs and stay
with men there to join the list of women who were with them that night. They
accept living together to be one more woman who doesn’t know whether she is a
wife or a girlfriend…
God was not one more god for His
people, nor for the Egyptians, that as much as they did not believe in Him had
to see His power live and in color through the ten plagues. They had to swallow
every prejudice they had against the Hebrews without water and not only that …
they lost the final battle being humiliated: drowned in the Red Sea. God proved
that He is the One and only God.
Only those who live this faith in
the One and only God can actually see His power.
But there are those who think they
live this faith, but out of ignorance they have other gods. They are believers
who live as if God did not exist. They live through all the plagues that those
who don’t believe in God live through. They fall into depression, think about
suicide, live in misery, are always sick, they are not happy in their love life
and give a terrible testimony of a Christian… What they do not know is that all
of this is due to the other “gods” they serve… the “god” of money, career,
husband, boyfriend, son, grandson, parents, fame, car, friends, beauty, fashion
and social networks (believe it or not!).
When life revolves around something
or a person, it becomes a “god”. The problem is that it will never be able to
make the role of the only God, the God of Israel. That’s why people get
disappointed so much. They expect a lot and receive very little. They study,
work, sacrifice to achieve a status that at the end of the day will not fulfill
them completely. They love, surrender and sacrifice themselves for someone who
ends up betraying their trust, devaluing them and causing them to suffer for
Yes friends, no “god” in this world
has to the power to fulfill you. There is only One God and He is only God to
those who make Him the One and only God in their lives.