Wednesday, 8 July 2015

What did Abraham want the most?

Most likely, the answer automatically popped into your mind: “A child, of course”. But, in fact, Abraham wanted much more than that, as we can tell from his actions. The desire that burned inside his chest was not simply to receive – a blessing, a son – but was to give, to be a blessing, and bring forth a nation for the glory of God.
What Abraham wanted the most was not a child. If all he wanted was a child, he would not have sacrificed him on the Altar – after all, he already had him! What Abraham wanted the most was to please God.
Actually, there was one point where all he wanted was a child. Abraham’s vision was focused on this. Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I go childless? Genesis 15.2 Immediately, God took him outside and showed him the stars in the sky. So, Abraham’s vision was opened.
From that moment on, he realized that what was in question was not his own plans, but the Plans of God. Suddenly, his request that, until then, seemed so great, became insignificant compared to what God wanted – after all, what is a child compared to a nation? The hero of the faith realized that a child was enough to satisfy his needs, but not enough to satisfy the needs of God’s plan. Soon, all he wanted was to please God, meeting the needs of His project through the nation that would be born of him.
When we realize that what we have and want is small compared to what God has and wants, we will no longer be afraid to sacrifice, of giving whatever it may be. Even feeling the pain throbbing in his chest, Abraham gave his son on the Altar because his vision was no longer Isaac, but the stars of heaven and the sand of the sea. His dream was God’s dream, and Abraham knew that God would never ask him to do something that would hinder His own dream.
Maybe your solely focused on a child – the solution of a problem, whether it is in your family, love life, finances or health – and have not understood the greatness of what God plans to do with your life. Perhaps this child is enough for you, but it isn’t enough for God. And what do you want the most? Please yourself or please God? Hang on to what you already have and want, or hang on to what God has and wishes for you and for mankind?
Abraham was not selfish. On the contrary: he was not afraid to let go of his dream for the dream of God. And, after all, do you know what he understood? He would not need to remain without his son, he just couldn’t have his heart in him. And because Abraham’s heart was not in his son – but in God –, the Most High could grant his desire, and add even greater achievements in his life.

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