Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The Coach
The starting point for the coach is to believe in the player, in his potential.
Then he identifies his strengths and weaknesses.
He decides what to do to maximize his strengths and eliminate his weaknesses.
He is demanding, because he knows that every player is a reflection of the coach.
He disciplines with a firm hand but not to the point of hurt, because he knows the limits of the person.
He shows how it’s done and provides the necessary tools for the job to be done.
He teaches.
He is a friend but not a buddy.
He helps the person achieve more than he could ever do alone.
Every father (and mother) is a coach.
Every husband (and wife) is a coach.
Every teacher is a coach.
Every boss is a coach.
Every pastor is a coach.
Every leader is a coach.
YOU are a coach — if not to another person, at least to yourself.

What kind of coach have you been?

Friday, 1 August 2014

Thinking BIG-Small thinkers live small lives

Thinking big, in a nutshell, is to think like God. God’s thoughts are bigger than big. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts,” He said in Isaiah 55.9.
Man is limited only by his thoughts. And unfortunately, most people have been prisoners in the tiny prisons of their small thoughts.
You can only do what you think is possible. That’s why people who think small, live small lives.
What is to think small?
It’s to think of what you don’t have instead of what you do.
It’s to think of what you can’t do instead of what you can.
It’s to think of a problem instead of a solution.
It’s to think of what you have against you instead of what you have for you.
It’s to think that you already have enough because you have more than a pauper.
It’s to think that you have tried everything to get what you want when you’ve really only tried a handful of things.
It’s to think that successful people are just ‘lucky’ and that you are not as lucky as them.
It’s to doubt you will succeed and believe you will fail.
You can only do what you think is possible. Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you will ALWAYS be right.”
So when you catch yourself wondering why your life is this or that way, why it doesn’t get better, the answer will inevitably come down to the kinds of thoughts you’ve been thinking.
To think big is to think like God. And to think like God, first you must know what He thinks. And to know what He thinks, meditate on what He said in His Word. Here’s just one example:
“Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession.” Psalm 2.8

What was it again you asked Him for when you prayed this morning?